Touching Lives, Warming Hearts

Through Human & Animal Interactions

Scooby Bechtel

Gotcha Date: August 2005 at 3 years old to January 4, 2014

Love knows not it s depth until the hour of separation- Kahlil Gibran
Scooby Bechtel had been a KPETS volunteer with Wayne and Judy Bechtel since 2009. The Bechtel family said their final good-bye to him on Jan 4, 2014. Scooby was 11.6 years old.
Scooby’s favorite KPETS events were “reading” with kids at the Domestic Violence Shelter in Lancaster and doing Meet and Greets for KPETS events, especially at the Oregon Dairy fundraisers.
The photo is a pic of Scooby and Wayne taken at the Bechtel’s yard sale where Wayne, Judy and their two girls AND SCOOBY raised money for KPETS with the Mystery Machine event!
Scooby will be missed by his family, his KPETS family and by those whose lives he touched in his many years as a therapy dog!